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Adaptive Finding God, Grades 1-8 — Loyola Press

Can be used by parishes, schools and parents. Offering faith formation for children with autism and special needs. A program that is adaptable to a variety of settings and situations. It provides catechists, teachers and parents with the tools and guidance to offer meaningful catechesis for all children. With multi-sensory learning tools to enhance lessons and build on each child's gifts and strengths. The Adaptive Finding God Program provides catechists with a choice of two levels of instruction:

1) the Hands On Level for a child who benefits from catechesis in a one-on-one setting and for whom grade-level identification is not important, and

2) the Adapted Grade Level for children who experience faith formation in the typical setting but require lesson modifications that make ideas more concrete and that are presented in a multi-sensory way.

Both levels require the purchase of the Adaptive Finding God Program Kit. In addition to the program kit, catechists and children using the Adapted Grade Level option also need their particular grade level Finding God catechist guide and student book.

Because all children can benefit from hands-on, concrete learning, some materials in the Loyola Learning Tools Set are also sold separately.

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23 program components.

My Finding God Songs, Music CD

Currently not stocked.
Estimated ship date: July 3, 2024
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