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Confirmation for Teens — Liguori Publications

Junior High

For junior high and older. Liguori's original 12-lesson program. Can be used as a complete program or as a supplement to an existing program. Designed to help candidates understand the commitment involved in this sacrament and to enhance their experience of Confirmation. Candidate Materials are a set of 12 four-page nested handouts. Lesson topics include: The Sacraments of Initiation, A Brief History of the Sacrament, Holy Spirit, Signs and Symbols of the Sacrament of Confirmation, Confirmation Candidate Retreat Day, and more. With illustrations, activities, personal reflection, service project ideas and prayer. Leader Guide is another set of 12 four-page nested handouts with lesson plans and background information for the catechist written around reduced-size pages of the candidate materials. My Confirmation Journal is a 48-page booklet with questions, reflections and illustrations for the candidate. A Sponsor's Confirmation Journal provides explanations and reflections for sponsors to help them understand their role. Confirmation: A Commitment to Life, a 57-minute DVD for teens featuring Fr. Joe Kempf supplements the program. (©1997)

5 program components.

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31 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.

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