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Blest Are We Kindergarten — RCL Benziger

Parish Edition

Kindergarten components for Blest Are We for use in Catholic parishes. Child's Edition for school includes twenty-one 4-page lessons, 10 We Celebrate leaflets, 18 cutout activities, My First Bible and 5 Take Home Storybooks in a double-pocketed folder. Unit themes are God's Love Creates the Universe; God's Love Makes Me Who I Am; God's Love Gives Me People to Love, God's Love Gives Me Jesus; and God's Love Teaches Me to Love. 

Blest Are We (©2004) has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church

4 program components.

Kindergarten Classroom Activities
Parish & School Edition

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Kindergarten Music CD
Parish & School Edition

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6 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.


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