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Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth

The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, 3rd Ed., ebook (1 Year Access)
Student Book



Publisher: Saint Mary’s Press

UPC: 9781599825908IE

Item Number: STMR-825908ET

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$29.95 Softcover $34.95 Hardcover


Ebook (1 Year Access). Third Edition contains understandable, down-to-earth content including Catholic Signs and Symbols, an illustrated guide with concise explanations of signs and symbols central to Catholicism, FAQ Index, questions frequently asked by teens with directions about where to go in the text to find the answers, and "For Further Reflection" questions. Plus resources for sacramental catechesis in the appendices, including an overview of the Rite of Confirmation, updated statistics, and an expanded church history timeline. Third Edition contains new content and updates, as well as a greater emphasis on Scripture, new sidebars related to life issues, review questions at the end of each chapter, and chapters on Salvation History and the Promise of the Messiah. Also includes the same sidebars and resources used in the earlier editions: Did You Know?; Live It!; Looking Back; Saintly Profiles; Catholic Wisdom; and Pray It!

Approved by the Bishops' Committee. Ebook, 574 pages. (©2013)


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